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Chocolate for Breakfast

2 Jun

I have a day off today and what better way to celebrate my recent sales (I’m up to 6 now!) than with home-made milkshakes and Guylian chocolates? I just love those. Every calorie of them. 

I bought a blender a few weeks ago and we’ve been vast friends ever since. I’ll tell you right now that I’m not much of a culinary princess, but everyone can whip up a smoothie, right? So I’ve turned it into an art form. Fresh fruit, yoghurt, ice-cream, juice. I mix it all up. Sometimes, I add a bit of honey for sweetness. Yum.

But my favourite is the milkshake. I buy vanilla ice-cream, add caramel sauce and start blending. It’s best if you wait until the ice-cream is beginning to melt. That way, it’s easier to drink. It’s delicious with the full flavour of ice-cream instead of that crap they use at McDonald’s. I am never going back!

Why do my posts keep showing as date undefined? Things like that really tick me off.

>Strawberry Brunches

24 Feb


I can feel it in the air – like a whispered promise. Spring is coming. The birds told me so. As I skip to work at ungodly hours, their music accompanies and soothes me. How can I not be merry when the world around me is waking up from a long, cold slumber? I, too, am awakened once more. 

Today in particular was a very fine afternoon. Sunshine is scarce in Ireland. Methinks the leprechauns stuffed it in a pot at the end of a rainbow. But today, the drowsy sun, emboldened by its hibernation, greeted me with a gentle embrace. I bought myself the first ice-cream of the year, hurried to my favourite hiding place and sat down on the grass, watching the birds frolic in the bushes and listening to their song. I felt at that instant one with nature.

Ah, isn’t life beautiful? At such moments, it seems most precious. Spring is a time for long walks and gardening – watching the flowers blossom before your very eyes. Spring is also an excellent time for high tea or elegant brunches. Last year, we had several and I would like to share with you a few photographs from those occasions.