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>New Year’s Literary Resolutions

1 Jan


Happy New Year!

May 2011 become a year of success, great happiness and wisdom. I hope my fellow-writers will achieve their literary goals and get the recognition they deserve. As for me, I only have a few New Year’s Resolutions and they’re fairly modest and realistic.


My goals for the upcoming year are as follows:

  • To continue improving my craft through constant exercise
  • To get a short story published in an anthology
  • To enter writing competitions to get my work out there
  • To finish the first draft of my manuscript 
  • To undertake further training in a creative writing course

Definitely doable, right?

I have already made my payment for the Brit Writers’ Awards so I am putting the finishing touches on my requirements for resolution #3. A good beginning of the new year! I have added a few new links to my writing directory so I can soon move on to #2 and #5. Wish me luck! With all the talent we have out there, I’m going to need it.